Year 7 Transitions
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We liaise closely with primary schools to assist with understanding our students before they arrive for their transition program.
In the week prior to Orientation Day, a Connections Afternoon will be offered to select students. All students coming from a school where there are two or fewer students commencing at Edenbrook, or who would benefit from additional transition support will receive an invitation to attend. During the session, students will meet other students and participate in some ‘getting to know you’ activities.
Orientation day in December provides a taste of a day in secondary school. Students will be placed into classes, meet their Mentor Teacher, have a tour of the College and participate in some classes
The Department of Education have created a webpage to help families, and students of all year levels, prepare for a new year of learning.
The webpage includes:
tips to help transition from early childhood education to Prep, and primary to secondary school
what to expect at school
where to find help with school costs and fees
health and wellbeing guidance to support children’s mental health
learning and disability supports.
The transition program begins in earnest at the start of Term One
Families are invited to an appointment with members of the Leadership Team where they are introduced to our expectations and have the opportunity to share any information or ask questions about the school.
During Term 1 and into Term 2 students will participate in a range of activities and programs designed to build connections across the year level and to the College.
A key element of this program is a focus on the House System and how our values support students at the College. Other elements of the program focus on study, organisation and communication skills.
For many students the highlight of this program is our Year 7 Camp which occurs during Term One.