Literacy & Numeracy

Excellence in literacy and numeracy is at the forefront of teaching and learning at Edenbrook Secondary College to develop students into lifelong participants in education, employment and the community. 

Our vision for  literacy and numeracy at Edenbrook is to improve outcomes for every student, in every classroom, regardless of their starting point. This is achieved through integrated literacy and numeracy development in each subject, a dedicated literacy Learning Specialist, and targeted support and intervention programs.


Objectives in Literacy

  • To develop students’ knowledge of language and literature.
  • To challenge and encourage students to interact with texts and create fresh approaches and interpretations in the evolving digital environment.
  • To help students appreciate the power to evoke feelings and convey ideas, persuade, entertain and argue.
  • To teach students to communicate effectively in both written and spoken forms.

Objectives in Numeracy

  • To enable students to develop key problem-solving skills within an individualised program catering for all abilities.
  • To foster a feeling of confidence and success in students, attempting to solve ever more complex problems.

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Learning Culture

We foster a learning culture of respect and collaboration At Edenbrook we foster the following learning culture which has a focus on working in a

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Literacy & Numeracy

Excellence in literacy and numeracy is at the forefront of teaching and learning at Edenbrook Secondary College to develop students into lifelong participants in education, employment and

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Our learning program for English focuses on developing our students into successful learners with literacy skills to help them achieve success in all learning areas.

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Humanities includes the studies of History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship, and Economics and Business. These are covered at Year 7 through our integrated learning program

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STEM (Science and Digital Technology) engages students in a context-based program that integrates specific scientific skills and knowledge with contemporary techniques, inquiry based learning and

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CREATE engages students in an integrated art (both visual and performing), design and technology program that focuses on developing the skills and knowledge to express

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Mathematics engages students in a program of creative thinking and problem solving, working with real-world contexts. Students will focus on developing fluency in essential skills

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Enrichment Program

Edenbrook will commence an Enrichment program for very able students. This exceptional program aims to develop lifelong learners who are passionate, curious, adaptable, creative and

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Welcome to the Edenbrook Secondary College Library! We welcome all students to this safe, relaxed, and enjoyable place to discover and grow their love of

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